Literarische Deutungsmuster und ihr Einfluss auf Subjektive Theorien und Unterrichtshandeln bei Deutschlehrkräften (2020)
Empirical studies in the field of literary education and teachers’ professionalism have so far primarily focused either on attitudinal dispositions that are far from action or exclusively on teaching. In the context of the DFG project “The Co-Construction of Attitudes and Beliefs about Literature (among German Senior High School Students)” we include both areas by examining the coherencies between literary interpretive patterns and beliefs, subjective theories and teaching practices. For this purpose, we start at the well-founded assumption that the literary interpretive beliefs, which are internalised as implicit knowledge structures by socialisation processes, generate or prefigure convictions and teaching actions. In order to research these coherencies, narrative interviews (literary beliefs) and guided problem-oriented interviews (subjective theories) were conducted with seven teachers, and lessons on teaching literature were captured on film (action).
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Hoffmann, Anna R. und Angelika R. Stolle (2020): „Literarische Deutungsmuster und ihr Einfluss auf subjektive Theorien und Unterrichtshandeln bei Deutschlehrkräften“, in: Frederike Schmidt und Kirsten Schindler (Hg.): Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehrkräften. Aktuelle Befunde in der deutschdidaktischen Professionsforschung. Frankfurt a. M. (Positionen der Deutschdidaktik, 13), S. 73–88. DOI: