Equal Opportunities
Equal opportunities and career promotion in the CRC
Equal opportunities for women and men and career support for early career researchers at all qualification levels is a central concern of the CRC. To this end, the CRC has developed comprehensive measures for equal opportunities, career promotion and development, and the compatibility of family and science. In addition to the services offered by the Women Career Service, the House of Young Talents and the Family Service Office of the University of Siegen, we regularly offer special events, workshops and/or coaching tailored to the needs of CRC employees. We plan this offer on the basis of regular needs assessments and evaluations. Suggestions are always welcome! Once a year, the Round Table "Young Scientists" takes place, which serves, among other things, as an exchange between speakers and early career researchers on measures in the area of career promotion and equal opportunities.
Current and past events can be found here: sfb1472.uni-siegen.de/en/events.
You can find detailed information and contact persons on the CRC's offers in the area of equal opportunities in the Internal Area
CRC Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Raphaela Knipp
Our measures and offers at a glance
Equal opportunities measures and governance
- Gender parity in the composition of CRC committees
- CRC-wide equal opportunities officer
- Team development with a focus on gender-sensitive leadership and communication, with support from an external team of consultants
- Regular needs assessments and evaluations
Career support for female scientists and networking
- Workshops and individual coaching sessions aimed specifically at female scientists within the CRC
- Financing of coaching and/or further training for personal career development
- Women-specific mentoring programme FraMes
Compatibility of family and science
- Family-friendly core time at the CRC
- Childcare
- Funding of additional costs for accompanying children and carers on business trips and training courses
- Workshops and coaching for parents
- Family-friendly infrastructure with parent-child room and mobile children's room (KidsBox)
- Home office equipment for scientists with family responsibilities
- Student assistant (SHK/WHB) support for parents in the qualification phase
Cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Office
The CRC cooperates closely with the Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Siegen.
Your contact persons:
Dr. Elisabeth Heinrich (Equal Opportunities Officer), gleichstellungsbeauftragte@uni-siegen.de
Dr. Rebecca Weber (Women Career Service), wcs.gleichstellung@uni-siegen.de
Dipl.-Soz.päd. Jessica Dreisbach (Family Service Office), familienservice.gleichstellung
To the website of the Equal Opportunities Office: https://www.uni-siegen.de/gleichstellung