Das LDA-Tool­kit. Korpus­lin­gu­is­ti­sches Analy­se­in­stru­ment für kontras­tive Diskurs- und Imageana­ly­sen in Forschung und Lehre (2012)

Publication with qa


This contribution discusses the function and use of a new corpus linguisticfreeware (under Creative Commons Licence), called „LDA-Toolkit“. After a brief introduction, the tools and their functionality are presented, followed by two examples of analyses. The LDA-Toolkit has been especiallydeveloped for linguistic discourse and image analysis for use in researchand teaching. The handling is easy (GUI) and does not require any pro-gramming skills. Its tools contain a token list, a concordance tool, keywordanalysis, contrastive key-cluster, key-ngram and key-pos-gram analysis, contrastive co-occurrence analysis and easy auxiliary devices to visualize results as word nets or word clouds. All tools as well as all results of the analyses are concentrated and recorded in a virtual working platform called „LDA tree“ or „LDA explorer“, because the results are visualized in a hierarchic tree model of co(n)texts. Furthermore, the records of this maintool can easily be saved as status of work and reloaded for later analysis. The functionality of the LDA-toolkit is exemplified by two examples: the first example illustrates a corpus-driven method of linguistic discourse study using keyword and contrastive ngram analysis. It focuses on the legaldebate about euthanasia and advanced health care directives in Germany. The second example outlines a corpus-assisted approach to analyzing public media images and stereotypes. It examines the German pirate party’simage („Piratenpartei“) in German newspapers.


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Vogel, Friedemann (2012b): „Das LDA-Toolkit. Korpuslinguistisches Analyseinstrument für kontrastive Diskurs- und Imageanalysen in Forschung und Lehre“, in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte
Linguistik 57 (1), S. 129–165. (DOI: 10.1515/zfal-2012-0013).