The power of words and images: towards talking about and seeing entre­pre­neur­ship and inno­va­tion differently (2019)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


In this chapter, I am going to illustrate how contextualizing entrepreneurship and innovation through words and images can assist us in gaining a more realistic understanding, whilst at the same time offering scope for theory development and novel research questions. Words and images are powerful: they frame the ways we perceive what entrepreneurship and innovation is and what not. Recently, entrepreneurship scholars have started paying more attention to linguistics, metaphors and images. Some entrepreneurship scholars also have turned to visual analysis, but there is scope to further implement that into entrepreneurship research. If we expand on the language, images and pictures we use to describe and visualize innovative entrepreneurs, we will be able to study and see the greater variety and heterogeneity of the phenomenon, adding to more realistic entrepreneurship research.


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Welter, F. (2019). The power of words and images: towards talking about and seeing entrepreneurship and innovation differently. In A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (pp. 179–196). Edward Elgar Publishing.