Hey you! Prono­mi­na­lism and the Popu­lar

  • Celia Lury

Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung „Parti­zi­pa­tion als Heraus­for­de­rung“ (6. Oktober 2022).

In an interdisciplinary study of personalisation across the fields of digital culture, health care and data science, we have found that the long-standing process of ‘making up people’ described by Ian Hacking often makes use of pronouns: for example, People Like You, #JesuisCharlie, #MeToo, MyUniversity, and PatientsLikeMe. This paper explores the ways in which pronominalism operates across a variety of genres of participation, with a close discussion of specific examples to show some of the variety of ways in which participation and the popular are linked in pronominal practices.

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Jahres­ta­gung 2022 – Parti­zi­pa­tion als Heraus­for­de­rung


05.– 07. Oktober 2022
Kulturhaus Lÿz Siegen

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