The Politicization of Linguistic Representations of Age: On the Argumentative Relevance of Age in (Municipal) Political Citizen Participation Formats (2025)
In this article, a linguistic study is conducted to investigate how and for what purpose age is systematically made relevant in (municipal) political communication formats, older age is politicized, and how representations of age are popularized. On the basis of three recorded video excerpts of political speeches and statements, it will be shown to what extent age references or representations are negotiated by the participants to achieve certain communicative goals. Among other things, deficits with regard to a lack of consideration of vulnerable groups are denounced, the public exhibition of which can be potentially face-threatening for the respective mayors and the city administration. Here, however, it is not being old itself that is problematized, but its consequences are publicly marked as worthy of attention while discussing overarching problems.
Hofius, Katharina, Viviane Börner und Christine Gebhard (2025, i. E.): „The Politicization of Linguistic Representations of Age: On the Argumentative Relevance of Age in (Municipal) Political Citizen Participation Formats“, in: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 83.