Eine Beob­ach­tung der Demo­kra­tie­be­ob­ach­tung. Zur Diagnose demo­kra­ti­scher Regres­sion (2023)

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The contribution offers aprimarily methodological reflection on how we conceptualize and measure democracy, particularly focusing on how our concepts and measurements actually reflect current political conflicts (rather than simply helping us observe them). Aspecial focus is put on the concept of a ‘liberal democracy’ as promoted by the new ‘gold standard’ in comparative democracy research, by the Varieties of Democracies-project (V-Dem). The contribution concludes that the concept of a ‘liberal democracy’, as conceptualized and operationalized by the V-Dem project, does not provide areliable assessment of the severity of our current crisis or its causes.


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Manow, Philip (2023): „Eine Beobachtung der Demokratiebeobachtung. Zur Diagnose demokratischer Regression“, in: Peter Niesen (Hg.): Zur Diagnose demokratischer Regression. Baden-Baden (Leviathan Sonderband, 40), S. 83–101. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111118147-020.