Fusi­ons of Folk, Rock and Metal: Týr’s “Modern Versi­ons” of Faro­ese Ballads (2022)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


This article discusses fusions of folk and rock music with regard to the pagan / progressive metal band Týr and their relation to traditional Faroese ballads. An overview depicts diverse relationships to traditional music in general and to ballads in particular in Týr’s musical output up to their Valkyrja album (2013). An empirical analysis focuses on how said fusion is reflected in the melody, text, riffs and rhythm of Týr’s version of “Regin smiður” (Regin Blacksmith). The final section discusses the relation of traditional ballads and the sentimental rock ballad in the track “The Lay of Our Love” (2013), allowing for a sociocultural embedding of the two distinct types of rock ballad.


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Heesch, Florian (2022): “Fusions of Folk, Rock and Metal: Týr’s ‘Modern Versions’ of Faroese Ballads”, in: Open Access Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 3(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.33552/OAJAA.2022.03.000570.