Revi­val Move­ments as Conflict Agen­das of the Popu­lar in the Nine­teenth and Early Twen­tieth Centu­ries (2025)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


This open access book focuses on the potential for conflict between high and low culture during the transfor­mations of the popular in the field of religion in the nine­teenth and early twentieth centuries. Speci­fically, the contri­butors to this edited collection consider the so-called ‘Revival Movements’ that came up as a symptom of differen­tiation and plurali­sation of Protes­tantism in reaction to the Enlighten­ment, rationalism, and criticism of religion, and explore the attempts at theological self-empower­ment of Christian laymen and laywomen.


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Albrecht-Birkner, Veronika and Stefanie Siedek-Strunk (Ed.) (2025): Revival Move­ments as Conflict Agendas of the Popular in the Nine­teenth and Early Twen­tieth Centuries. Cham. DOI: