Über­all häss­li­che Touris­ten: Über Distan­zie­rungs­be­dürf­nis (2024)

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Traveling to places of beauty is simple in theory. In practice, however, it is a complex contra­dictory affair. On one’s way to beauty, one has to cross territories of the ugly and banal to leave them behind, at least in the last 180 years – the big bang of modern tourism with steamships, railroads and grand hotels. Once arrived at your desti­nation, you don’t find yourself alone, but in company; it doesn’t always meet your own aesthetic standards. What terms have authors been using since the first half of the 19th century to describe these changing relation­ships, and how do they position them­selves within them?


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Groebner, Valentin (2024): „Überall hässliche Touristen: Über Distanzierungsbedürfnis“, in: Ders., Michael Multhammer und Hans Rudolf Velten (Hg.): Das Populäre der Anderen – Vulgarität im Ausgang der Vormoderne. Paderborn (Poesis, 10), S. 259–269. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30965/9783846769096_014.