Sara Messe­laar Hammer­schmidt (Medien­wissen­schaft)

0271 740-5223
AH-A 312/313

Sara is a research associate at the University of Siegen and a doctoral candi­date at the Univer­sity of Amster­dam. Her research focuses on arti­ficial intelli­gence and the reme­diation of the body in multi­modal media, using quali­tative and LLM-assisted digital methods. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and compa­rative litera­ture from Cornell Univer­sity and a master’s in new media from the Univer­sity of Amster­dam. Since 2025 her work is part of C01 “Fabricating ‘the people’ – Verhand­lung von Reprä­senta­tions­ansprü­chen in Türki­schen sozialen Medien im Kontext gene­rativer KI”.