Listen als popu­läre Para­dig­men. Zur Unter­schei­dung von Pop und Popu­lär­kul­tur (2016)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


The following article defines lists as non-narrative para­digms and discusses their epis­temic und poetic functions. First of all, I will distinguish between personal, quali­tative, and nominal list-making (which can be classified as belong­ing to pop culture) and lists in popular culture (anony­mous, quanti­tative, ordinal/metric). Following this distinc­tion, the paper presents different concepts of ‘the Popular’ and ‘Pop’ and argues that lists are – in different ways – forms of defining what is pop or popular (and what is not). The objective is an overview of recent studies in pop and popular culture.


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Schaffrick, Matthias (2016): „Listen als populäre Paradigmen. Zur Unterscheidung von Pop und Populärkultur“, in: KulturPoetik 16 (1), S. 109–125. DOI: