Nach­den­ken über Lady P. Von den Adlon-Tapes zu „Tris­tesse Royale“ – Vorüber­le­gun­gen zu einer text­ge­ne­ti­schen Teile­di­tion (2015)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


„Tristesse Royale“, a famous example of so-called German »pop literature«, is the result of a very particular creative process: In April 1999, the writers and journalists Joachim Bessing, Christian Kracht, Eckhart Nickel, Alexander von Schönburg and Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre tape-recorded their conversations during a three-day meeting at the Hotel Adlon in Berlin. Following this gathering, Bessing produced an initial transcript of the discussions, which then was revised by the other contributors and finally went into print. Schäfer and Süselbeck reconstruct the course of the discussions using methods from conversation analysis and explore the text production by comparing the detailed transcript of the audio-tapes with the edited text. They argue that „Tristesse Royale“ is a scriptural representation of an acoustical text that had been produced in a complex process of »audio-literal transcription« (Ludwig Jäger). In addition, they give a preview of the Siegener Kommentierte Ausgabe, their annotated digital edition of „Tristesse Royale“, that uses streaming technologies in order to make the pop-cultural context of the late 1990s accessible.


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Schäfer, Jörgen / Jan Süselbeck (2015): „Nachdenken über Lady P. Von den Adlon-Tapes zu Tristesse Royale – Vorüberlegungen zu einer textgenetischen Teiledition“, in: LiLi. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 179, S. 108–133.