The rise and fall of popu­lar entre­pre­neur­ship: How media construct images of entre­pre­neur­ship (2024)

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Media, as an important intermediary, contributes to the popularization of selected types of entrepreneurship. Combining content analysis and computer-assisted methods, we examined the (pre-)selection, legitimation, and presentation of entrepreneurship in media coverage from 2000 to 2021. Our analyses revealed two media narratives: a competition- and growth-oriented narrative of ‘world market leaders’ expressed by cognitive, rational and neutral news, underpinned by ratings and rankings; and a success- and down-to-earth narrative of ‘hidden champions’ characterized by long-term orientation and social responsibility, supported by emotionally engaging narrative news; the latter complements research, which is dominated by a high-tech and innovative narrative of entrepreneurship.


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Schmid, S. und Friederike Welter (2024, i. E.): “The rise and fall of popular entrepreneurship: How media construct images of entrepreneurship”, available at SSRN: