Erin­nern und Verges­sen der Shoah in US-ameri­ka­ni­schen Super­hel­den­co­mics: Digi­tale Fana­r­chive als Agen­ten des Aufschubs (2025)

Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


This article examines memory strategies and archiving practices of recipients of popular serial narrtives. Here the focus is on superhero comics which depict the Shoah, analyzing both individual issues and their paratexts. The active collectors of the comics host their own archives and thus act as agents of prorogation by protecting the works from decay and oblivion. Digital, fan-driven websites (e. g., online archives) make this particularly clear, as they feature different, nearly gapless archiving- and memory practices, far away from official gatekeepers (e. g., publishers). This analysis examines the significance of rogue archives in comparison to established publisher archives to highlight the multifatious practices of memory and archiving in context of serial superhero comics.


Deckbar, Anne (2025, i. E.): „Erinnern und Vergessen der Shoah in US-amerikanischen Superheldencomics: Digitale Fanarchive als Agenten des Aufschubs“, in: KulturPoetik: Zeitschrift für Kulturgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft 24 (1).