Zur Komple­men­ta­ri­tät des Nied­ri­gen und Erha­be­nen bei Schil­ler (2024)

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This article draws attention to an area of Friedrich Schiller’s theoretical work that has hardly been recognised to date: his exami­nation of the low and the common. The aim is to show the viru­lence of the debate in the course of the discussions about the popular around 1800 and, on the other hand, the concep­tual proximity to the sublime. As a literary example, Schiller’s last published poem – Nänie – comes into view.


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Multhammer, Michael (2024): „Zur Komplementarität des Niedrigen und Erhabenen bei Schiller“, in: Joseph Imorde, Michael Multhammer und Hans Rudolf Velten (Hg.): Das Populäre der Anderen – Vulgarität im Ausgang der Vormoderne. Paderborn (Poesis, 10), S. 175–191. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30965/9783846769096_010.