Prof. Dr. Anne Helmond (Medienwissenschaft)

0271 740 2080
AH-A 305

Anne Helmond is Associate Professor of Media, Data and Society at Utrecht University. She is part of the focus area ‘Governing the Digital Society’ where she examines the processes of platformization, algorithmization, and datafication from an empirical and historical perspective by focusing on the material and programmable (data) infrastructures underpinning these processes. In addition, she is working on developing digital methods for examining how apps and app stores mediate sociocultural issues and practices and for inquiring into the political economy of mobile data flows.

From 2021–2022 she was Principal Investigator of the project “Historische Technografie des Online-Kommentars” and is now (2022–) an associated researcher examining the history of online commenting systems and practices within the DFG funded SFB 1472 “Transformationen des Populären” at the University of Siegen, Germany.


Face­boo­k’s Evolu­tion: Deve­lop­ment of a Plat­form-as-Infra­s­truc­ture (2019)

Peer reviewed / Buch­ver­öf­fent­li­chung

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