Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung


Fantasy novels are products of popular culture. They owe their popularity also to the visualization of medievalist artifacts on book covers and designs, illustrations, maps, and marketing: Castles on towering cliffs, cathedral-like architecture, armored heroes and enchanting fairies, fierce dragons and mages follow mythical archetypes and develop pictorial aesthetics of fantasy, completed by gothic fonts, maps and page layout that refer to medieval manuscripts and chronicles. The contributors to this volume explore the patterns and paradigms of a specific medievalist iconography and book design of fantasy which can be traced from the 19th century to the present.


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Velten, Hans Rudolf and Joseph Imorde (Eds.) (2024): Fantasy Aesthetics. Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages, 1880–2020. Bielefeld (Populäres Mittelalter, 4). DOI: