Robert Jansma (Medienwissenschaft)
Robert Jansma is a research associate and doctoral candidate at the University of Siegen. He is from a computer science background with a specialisation in software engineering and has put those skills to good use preserving and studying digital heritage. His research interests include commenting systems, digital methods, web histories, software histories and archiving methods for born digital material. In 2016, he joined the RE:DDS project in efforts to preserve and study ‘De Digitale Stad’ (The Digital City), an early website pioneering online culture in the Netherlands. His software archaeology approach bridges the gap between computer science and the humanities, aiming at interdisciplinary work.
Former Member
Technograph. Software des Teilprojekts B03 „Historische Technografie des Online-Kommentars“
Andere wissenschaftliche Publikation
Metadata dating the digital city: a software archaeological approach (2022)
Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung
weiter lesenFrom healthy communities to toxic debates: Disqus’ changing ideas about comment moderation (2022)
Peer reviewed / Buchveröffentlichung
weiter lesenMapping and tracking the development of online commenting systems on news websites between 1996–2021
Presentation at Archives Unleashed Cohort Program Event, 2022, Vancouver