Jun.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Paßmann (Medienwissenschaft)
- johannes.passmann@rub.de
- Telefon
- 0234 32–24761
- Raum
- AH-A 305
- Internetseite
- ifm.rub.de/institut/personen/jun-prof-dr-johannes-passmann
Johannes Paßmann is Junior Professor (tt. W2) of “History and Theory of Social Media and Platforms” at Ruhr University Bochum and Principal Investigator at University of Siegen’s SFB 1472 ‘Transformations of the Popular’. Until 2021, he was a research associate at the Digital Media & Methods team at Siegen University. Johannes was a research fellow at Locating Media, a postgraduate program funded by the German research foundation, worked as a lecturer in the Department of Media & Culture Studies at Utrecht University (NL), was visiting researcher at the Nordic Centre for Internet & Society (Oslo, NO) and visiting lecturer at the media studies department of the University of Basel (CH).
The Social Logics of Platform Units: A Brief History of Valuation Practices Online (2024)
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