Expert*innen-Lai*innen-Kommunikation im institutionellen Wandel - Beispiele aus Medizin, Kommunalpolitik und Kirche (2023)
C02 Digital Body Knowledge. Fault Lines of Problematic Popularity in Health Care
CRG Laienwissen
C04 “One of us” – Discursive Constructions, Media of Participation and Linguistic Practices of Mayoral Communication in the Crisis of Political Representation
C06 ‘Self-made religion’? Transformations of Popular Theological Discourses in the Mirror of the Reception of Publications by Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling
CRG Laienwissen
C04 “One of us” – Discursive Constructions, Media of Participation and Linguistic Practices of Mayoral Communication in the Crisis of Political Representation
C06 ‘Self-made religion’? Transformations of Popular Theological Discourses in the Mirror of the Reception of Publications by Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling
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Albrecht-Birkner, Veronika, Stephan Habscheid und Cornelius Schubert (2023): „Expert*innen-Lai*innen-Kommunikation im institutionellen Wandel – Beispiele aus Medizin, Kommunalpolitik und Kirche“, in: LiLi. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 53 (4), S. 797–812. DOI: