Low Pop: The Senti­men­tal Ballad

A Pop

Low Pop. The Sentimental Ballad

The subproject’s subject is the sentimental ballad: a musical form occurring in all song-oriented genres that often includes the greatest hits while being devaluated in discourses and feminized by ascription. Based on the ballad as ‘low pop’-phenomenon, the project in-vestigates the common ground of experiencing sentimental affects, the dynamically gen-dered connotations of popular genres as well as the persistence of the high/low-difference within the popular. The corpus of the compilation series Kuschelrock (‘Cuddle Rock’) – comprising more than 1,200 ballads from rock, pop and soul – serves as the pro-ject's starting point.


“You are beau­ti­ful, no matter what they say” Senti­men­tal Ballads in Popu­lar Music


13th – 14th September
University of Siegen, Campus Unteres Schloss
Building US-S, Obergraben 25

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Ring­vor­le­sung: Popu­läre Songs


Sommersemester 2023
Donnerstag 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr (c.t.)
Ort: US-C 109

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Popu­la­ri­zing Violence


15.–16. 09. 2022
15.09. | 12:15 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
16.09. | 09:30 Uhr – 13:30 Uhr

Location: University of Siegen
Herrengarten AH A 217/18

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