Dr. Duygu Kara­tas (Medienwissenschaft)

0271 740-5223
AH-A 312/313

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher for the project C01 within the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “Transformations of the Popular” at the University of Siegen. When I realised that my marketing career was just useful for my understanding and critical reflection on advertising and media, I left my corporate brand management career and decided to change my career and do what I dream. I received my master’s degree in media and communications from City University London in 2013 with the support of the Jean Monnet Scholarship by the European Union. Being awarded a full Ph.D. scholarship from the University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute in 2014, I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the University of Westminster with my research project “Occupy Gezi’s Collective Identity and the Role of Twitter in its Construction” in 2018. I convened various modules at the undergraduate level, as visiting lecturer at the London College of Communication in the University of the Arts London and taught seminars as a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster. My research interests are social media, political communication, social movements, collective identity and collective memory, digital methods and automation, digital activism, post-truth politics, populism and propaganda, digital culture, alternative media, participatory culture, and democracy.


Edito­rial (2017)

Peer reviewed / Buch­ver­öf­fent­li­chung

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Persis­tent Acti­vist Commu­ni­ca­tion in Occupy Gezi (2017)

Peer reviewed / Buch­ver­öf­fent­li­chung

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