“One of us” – Discursive Constructions, Media of Participation and Linguistic Practices of Mayoral Communication in the Crisis of Political Representation
The project investigates whether and how the communication of mayors today is challenged by “populist” rage, quantifying public evaluation regimes and the demand for increased par-ticipation and to what extent their institutional use of language reacts to or resists such de-velopments. Empirically, public images as well as communicative practices of mayors in four municipalities (Siegen, Dresden, Ladenburg, Viernheim) will be examined with the help of computer-assisted media discourse and image analysis, multimodal text communication and interaction research.
Un/Erwünschte Popularität als Herausforderung. Praktiken (kommunal-)politischer Kommunikation in der Gegenwart
25. – 26. April 2024
Kulturhaus Lÿz - Aula
St.-Johann-Str. 18
57074 Siegen
Inszenierung politischer Ordnungsvorstellungen
15. April 2024
14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Raum AH-A 210/211 (Herrengarten)
Feldzugänge unter Corona- Bedingungen
Online- Workshop
22. April 2021
9:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Kommunikative Distanz und Nähe, Text- und Interaktionsorientierung (2024)
Andere wissenschaftliche Publikation
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Working Paper Series
no. 9
Popularisierung von Dankesritualen in der Bürgermeisterkommunikation in Sozialen Medien
Working Paper Series
no. 6