Digital Body Knowledge. Fault Lines of Problematic Popularity in Health Care
The project studies the popularization of digital body knowledge in relation to local medical practices and patient groups from the district Siegen-Wittgenstein. It analyses the scope of problematic popularity in health care by way of example and with high empirical resolution. In addition, the project situates these current dynamics within the history of professional and popular body knowledge and connects them with the recent convergence of medical and media technologies in the areas of m-health and e-health.
Popular Health & Social Media
International Conference
12. – 13. September 2024
University of Siegen
Raum AH-A 217/18 (Herrengarten)
Transformation medizinischer Wissenshierarchien? Ärzt:in-Patient:in-Beziehungen in Zeiten zunehmender Digitalisierung und Popularisierung
Vortrag auf der Tagung „Expertise in Digitaler Transformation“, Berlin, von Ann Kristin Augst und Cornelius Schubert
Citizen Science als Konfliktfeld zwischen Experten- und Laienwissen
25. April 2023
19:00 – 20:30 Uhr
Kulturhaus Lyz (kl. Theater)
Health Data and its practices. Explorations in popular, professional, and participatory contexts
8.- 9. September 2022
Ort: Seminarzentrum Obergraben, US - S 001/002
Feldzugänge unter Corona- Bedingungen
Online- Workshop
22. April 2021
9:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Patient-Generated Data as Intervention into Doctor-Patient Relationships?
Working Paper Series
no. 15